
課程名稱 教師姓名 中文課綱簡述 英文課綱簡述
說文研究 劉雅芬
本課程承繼「文字學」既有之基礎,對《說文解字》以及其周邊問題作進一步探討。使研究生能以宏觀之視野,整理各家文字學與《說文》學之異同後,整合融通,以建立一己之文字體系。同時能靈活運用篆文及相關之字形系統,發表論文。 This course inherits the foundation of philology to explore deeply about the “Shuowen”and related questions. Students would be able to organize different theories and establish his own theory. Also, they can use seal characters and its system to make the thesis.
治學方法 胡正之
認識中文研究現況、厚植學術研究基礎、培養辨析批判能力。 To understand the current status of researches on Chinese, and establish the foundation to develop the ability of conducting researches and critical thinking.
古音研究 李添富
本課程旨在研析上古音韻系統,期能藉此了解上古語言現象,並透過分析建構之上古音韻系統推尋上字義系統,提供研讀古籍必須具備之語文知識 The aim of this course is to study the ancient rhythm system in order to understand the phenomenon of ancient languages and construct the semantic system by analysis, and provide the essential language knowledge for the ancient language reading.
先秦學術專題研究 趙中偉
(一)、瞭解學術源流,掌握學術脈絡(二)、增進思維能力,提升邏輯判斷(三)、訓練獨立思考,強化價值判斷(四)、培養道德情操,展現淑世精神(五)、承繼聖賢志業,肩荷文化使命 1. To understand the origin and trend of academic studies
2. To enhance the ration ability and improve the logical judgments
3. To train the independent thinking and enhance the value judgments
4. To develop the moral and present the cultivation
5. To inherit the aspiration of ancients and shoulder the cultural mission
兩漢學術專題研究 胡正之
一、兩漢上承先秦,下啟六朝,政治制度由封建而郡縣,思想文化由諸子而經學,於我國歷史發展,有極其重要之軸心關鍵地位。認識兩漢,乃認識國史之管鑰。二、自五四以降,學者內迫於救亡圖存之焦慮,外引於泰西觀念之衝擊,於是國史之詮解,文化之評價,各有所見與不見,其於兩漢尤甚。以茲為鑒,適所以內自訟而反省個人研究方法之得失。 1. The Han dynasties inherited the Chi dynasty and passed on the Six dynasties. The political system transformed from feudalism to prefecture county system, and the thought and culture developed from various sages to Confucian classics, which played an important and crucial role in the history. Familiar with the Han dynasties is the key to understand the history.
2. Hence the May Fourth Movement, scholars got alerted from the conflict of western cultures and developed different perspectives on culture and history interpretations. This course will take it as example for the self-reflection and examination.
論文指導(一) 胡幼峰
一、訓練研究生之邏輯思維、辯證技巧及論述能力。二、厚積研究生之學術基礎,擴大閱讀範圍並增進知識內涵。三、督促研究生多元學習吸收,依其才性學力以決定論文研究方向。四、以研究生撰寫論文之方向,就其書目提出討論及建議。 1. To enhance the ration ability and improve the logical judgments
2. To establish the basis of academic studies and expand the knowledge
3. To supervise the interdisciplinary learning and decide the direction of thesis
4. To provide suggestion for the thesis writing
經學專題研究:易學 許朝陽
1.對《易經》結構、易學源流、筮儀有基本的認識。2.能掌握易學不同的理解系統及論題。3.對自然哲學、道德哲學有基本之認識。4.對學界易學研究現況及易學研究方法能有基本認知。 1. To the get basic understanding of structure, origin and divination of the “YiJing”
2. To handle the different systems and issues of the “Yi” studies
3. To have basic understanding of natural and moral philosophies
4. To have basic understanding of the current status of “Yi” studies and researches
語文專題:中國文字綜合研究 李添富
本課程旨在對中國文字之形音義作更為深入之探究.以了解其在中國學術史上扮演之角色與功能 The aim of this course is to study the form, phoneme and semantics of Chinese characters in order to understand the role and function of these characters in academic studies.
詩學專題研究:明清詩學 胡幼峰
1. To handle the important poet paradigms and their statements of Ming dynasty
2. To establish the poem system via the criticism of Ming literature
商周青銅器銘文研究 蔡哲茂
Che-mao Tsai
針對殷、商、兩周青銅器銘文進行教學。以綜合論述為主,個別識字為輔。就商代甲骨文與西周金文之間相互關係與時代意義進行分析,依時代排序,講述重要銘文。 The course will focus on the instruction of inscription on bronze implements, by the comprehensive discourse and word recognition. We will talk about the important inscription by dynasties and analyze the interrelationship and meaning of oracle script and inscription in bronze.
人文學術詮釋與教育專題 陳恬儀
一、認識國文課程的教學精神與教學任務;二、掌握國文課程的教學技巧與教學目標;三、深化國文課程的教學內涵與教學能力。期望藉由教材的選擇、編排與理解,以及實際教學案例的探討、模擬教學的實際演示、佐以教學理論的深化,以達到學生對國文課程具有良好的詮釋與教學能力,並透過語文的深度閱讀與轉化,成為身兼專業素養與人文氣質之教師。 1. To understand the spirit and mission of Chinese instruction
2. To handle the skills and objective of Chinese instruction
3. To cultivate the content and techniques of Chinese instruction by the selection of materials simulated instruction, the exploration of theories, in order to develop students’ abilities of teaching. By the close reading and transformation of languages, make the students become the teachers of professions and humanities.
經學專題研究:三禮 李毓善
The studies of ancient rites involve several academic fields, ancient culture and literature. This course takes “Rites and Ceremonies,” “Rites of Chou,” and “Classic of Rites” as target studies to fully explain the ancient rites. Students are required to have the three books above, references, and involvement of discussion.
The aim of this course is to guide the students to study the essentials of the rites of spirit of Confucianism. The course would include the selected book reading, hints prompt, and writing reports.
詞學專題研究 孫永忠
詞濫觴於晚唐五代而大盛於兩宋,於藝術表現與審美觀念均有所發展,被視為宋代文學之典範。 本課程旨在介紹詞在歷代的嬗變演進,選取其中重要作品,分析其藝術特色,並從傳統及現代的詞學觀念,探討歷代詞作於文學史上的接受情況。
The Sung lyrics originated from the late Tang dynasty and Five Dynasties, and flourish in Sung dynasties, and have been considered as the literature paradigm of Sung dynasty.
The aim of this course is to introduce the historical development of lyrics, and to analyze the characteristics of selected works. Also, via the modern and conventional viewpoint, this course will explore the acceptance of lyrics of dynasties in the literature history.
This course will also cultivate students’:
1. Basic skill of studying lyrics
2. Understanding of the connection of history and culture of lyrics
3. Understand the life and context of main lyrists.
個別閱讀指導 一、輔導研究生對本所課程之認知
1. To tutor the students’ awareness of courses in this graduate program
2. To guide the academic development of students
3. To solve the academic problems of students
4. To enhance the communication between students
5. To offer suggestion to the reference of enrolled courses